Simultaneous light scattering and intrinsic fluorescence measurement for the classification of airborne particles

Paul H. Kaye, J.E. Barton, Edwin Hirst, J.M. Clark

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We describe a prototype laboratory light-scattering instrument that integrates two approaches to airborne particle characterization: spatial light-scattering analysis and intrinsic fluorescence measurement, with the aim of providing an effective means of classifying biological particles within an ambient aerosol. The system uses a single continuous-wave 266-nm ultraviolet laser to generate both the spatial elastic scatter data (from which an assessment of particle size and shape is made) and the particle intrinsic fluorescence data from particles in the approximate size range of 1–10-μm diameter carried in a sample airflow through the laser beam. Preliminary results suggest that this multiparameter measurement approach can provide an effective means of classifying different particle types and can reduce occurrences of false-positive detection of biological aerosols. © 2000 Optical Society of America
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3738-3745
JournalApplied Optics
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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