Single-Particle Raman Spectrometer (SPaRS) for the non-destructive physico-chemical characterisation of aerosols

R. Greenaway, J.E.J. Dalley, Z. Ulanowski, E. Hesse, Paul H. Kaye

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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This project seeks to develop a prototype systems for the analysis of single levitated micrometre-sized particles captured from an ambient aerosol. The systems is designed to use Raman scattering to establish chemical nature of the particle, whilst simultaneously recording spatial elastic light scattering data from which an assessment of particle size, shape and physical structure may be acieved.Thismulti-parametric approach should provide a means of discriminating atmospheric particles whose toxitcity is determined by morphology as well as chemical composition. Areas of application could include environmental monitoring, source apportionment, occupational air quality investigation and potentially as part of a strategy for bio-aerosol detection
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event18th Int Symposium on Gas Kinetics 2004 - Bristol, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Aug 200413 Aug 2004


Conference18th Int Symposium on Gas Kinetics 2004
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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