Social work with young offenders

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)


This text became known in a short space of time as at the forefront and as an original summary of its field. The information and skillsets that are quintessential to the subject are discussed from an informed view and in detail. Leading debates are conveyed in an accessible, highly informed and engrossing manner. The text derives from research and advice that allows for exampled links with real-practice to provoke interest and engage readers. The theory in the text is backed by practical examples and genuine scenarios, and helps readers to adopt a critical and meditative approach. Through adopting the philosophy that social work can aid through transitive and difficult periods in life, the writers set the relationship at the core of social work practice. Each chapter, included that of Littlechild and Smith, is precisely related to National Occupational Standards.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Social Work: an Introduction to Contemporary Practice
EditorsKate Wilson, Gillian Ruch, Mark Lymbery, Andrew Cooper
PublisherPearson Education
Volumechapter 18
ISBN (Print)978-1408244708
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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