Socio-technical system design and organisational power structures: Addressing growing complexity in aerospace

Paola Amaldi, Monica, S. Quercioli, Anthony Smoker

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This study identified and analysed the concerns of aviation stakeholders (regulators, air traffic controllers, engineers , pilots) about automation at different levels within organisational and societal structures. It also generated themes to illustrate possible relationships, associations and inter-connections between these concerns. The resulting hypothesis stated two key points: first, a somewhat deficient human communication, cooperation and interaction; second, a lack of awareness about deeper power & cultural issues (such as the dynamics of hierarchies and power structures) that lie beneath the surface of day-to-day operations. In acknowledging these two points, it could more effectively highlight areas for improvement in resiliency in what are still today predominantly techno-centric system. Essentially, organisations could create cultures that produce the genuine change needed for resilience in the face of rising complexity and emerging risks.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2016
EventHuman Factors in Complex Systems - NCTL, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Jun 20168 Jun 2016


ConferenceHuman Factors in Complex Systems
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • automation, power structure


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