Space-time opportunistic interference alignment in cognitive radio networks

Yusuf Abdulkadir, Oluyomi Simpson, Nnamdi Nwanekezie, Yichuang Sun

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

5 Citations (Scopus)


For a multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) overlay cognitive radio (CR) network, a spacetime opportunistic interference alignment (ST-OIA) technique has been proposed that allows spectrum sharing between primary users (PU) and secondary users (SU) while ensuring zero interference to the PU. The CR system consists of one primary user (PU) and K secondary users (SU) where local channel state information is available at both the transmitters and receivers of SUs. The PU uses space-time water-filling (ST-WF) algorithm to optimize the PUs transmission and in the process, frees up unused eigenmodes that can be exploited by the SU. Because ST-WF achieves higher capacity per antenna than other methods, at low to moderate SNR regimes, it makes it ideal for implementation in CR networks. The SUs align their transmitted signals in such a way their interference impairs only the PUs unused eigenmodes. For this solution with multiple SUs exploiting the benefits of cooperative spectrum sensing to work, there are three separate conditions which must be met. For single user MIMO PU and SU link, the first condition requires there should be zero interference at the PU receiver and secondly, there should be zero interference to both the PU and SU receivers. The third condition caters for the multiple SU scenario which requires limited cooperation between the PU receiver and the multiple SUs to ensure interference from multiple SUs are aligned along unused eigenmodes. Finally, the SU system is assumed to be a time division duplex (TDD) system such that principle of Reciprocity is employed towards optimizing the SUs transmission rates.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2016 EEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Subtitle of host publicationWCNC 2016
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)1558-2612
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2016
EventIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference - Doha, Qatar
Duration: 3 Apr 20166 Apr 2016


ConferenceIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Abbreviated titleIEEE WCNC 2016
Internet address


  • Space-Time Opportunistic Interference Alignment
  • ST-OIA
  • MIMO
  • Cognitive Radio
  • Maximum Eigenmode Beamforming


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