Stevenage: A distinct community wealth building journey

Michael Brookes, Christopher Nicholas, Tracy Walsh, Anita Sharma, Sarah Wolfe

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter outlines the challenges, in terms of deprivation, faced by the communities of Stevenage despite being in fairly close proximity to some very affluent and prosperous local economies. It also describes the challenges that Stevenage Borough Council have encountered while trying to address these issues during a period of extended and tightening austerity. Finally, the bulk of the chapter is dedicated to the journey that has been undertaken, in a partnership between the University of Hertfordshire and Stevenage Borough Council, to implement a community wealth building initiative in response to the deprivation and austerity challenges outlined above. This has involved applying learning emanating from community wealth building initiative elsewhere as well as refining the approach to meet the unique needs of the Stevenage communities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Preston Model and Community Wealth Building
Subtitle of host publicationCreating a Socio-Economic Democracy for the Future
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9781003053736
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2021


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