Supervision of Chinese social work students during field practice: Harmonising a student-focussed, egalitarian approach with traditional teaching and learning: Supervision of social work students in China

Echo Yeung , Zhuang Jie, Ben Chi Pun Liu, Steven M Shardlow

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This article explores the extent to which approaches to supervision developed outside of China fit with Chinese cultural approaches to learning and teaching. Qualitative data was collected from students and supervisors from three different regions in China. The findings suggest that a student-focused, egalitarian approach is fundamental to promote students’ learning at the current developmental stage of social work profession in China. This approach is in conflict to some degree with the deeply rooted traditional teacher-centred, authoritative teaching and learning style. This study illustrates how a student-focussed, equalitarian approach could be applied to alleviate such a tension.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalInternational social work (ISW)
Early online date1 Dec 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Dec 2022


  • social work students, field supervision, supervision model, student-focused, collaborative approach, China social work


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