Supporting good practice in undergraduate education using Electronic Voting Systems (EVS)

I. Cross

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    Teaching staff in higher education institutions throughout the world are increasingly faced with large cohorts to teach. It can therefore be difficult to implement the seven principles of good practice identified by Chickering & Gamson (1987). Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) can potentially assist tutors in delivering such good practice. Both direct and indirect links between the use of EVS and Chickering & Gamson‟s seven principles can be made. Di-rect links map strongly between the principle and the use of EVS, whereas indirect links evoke other mechanisms or suggest a secondary role for EVS within teaching practice. Direct links occur between encouraging active learning and giving prompt feedback, by removing the lack of anonymity to responding in class and rapid collation of student re-sponses to questions. Indirect links include emphasising time on task and communicating high expectations. It is argued that EVS offers significant potential towards supporting good practice in undergraduate education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)7-18
    JournalBlended Learning in Practice
    Issue numberJanuary
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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