Systemic properties of corporate ecosystems – case of FTSE 250 companies 2000 – 2017

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This study conceptualises and empirically quantifies the systemic properties of corporate ecosystems. We take an open-boundaries complex adaptive systems perspective of the connectivity, interdependence, and organising logic of corporate ecosystems. We further propose that such innate properties of the corporate ecosystems are embedded in the corporate accounting and financial information and can be extracted using appropriate analytical methods. Applying exploratory factor analysis to a full set of corporate accounting and financial accounts for the FTSE 250 firms in 2000 - 2017, we extract the latent factors that we interpret as stable rules for governing specific configurations of corporate resources and processes for value creation under different market states. By calculating the factor scores for each constituent firm, the firms are classified by their dominant factor into different clusters operating under different market states. We then examine the systemic diversity, multiplicity, overall structural complexity, and the dynamic changes in the market states. The results reveal several salient systemic patterns and dynamic changes in the FTSE 250 corporate ecosystem in the study period.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2021
EventBritish Academy of Management 35th BAM2021 Conference (online) - University of Lancaster, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Duration: 31 Aug 20213 Sept 2021


ConferenceBritish Academy of Management 35th BAM2021 Conference (online)
Abbreviated title35th BAM2021 Conference (online)
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
OtherIn 2021, the 35th Conference and 2nd BAM Conference in the Cloud, will critically engage with the socio-economic recovery from the global Covid-19 pandemic.
Internet address


  • Corporate ecosystems; factor analysis; market states; systemic properties; FTSE 250


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