Taking a Passivhaus certified retrofit system onto scaled-up zero carbon trajectory

L. Jankovic, Shadi Basurra

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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The paper describes collaboration a between industryand academia in enhancing a Passivhaus certifiedsystem for retrofit and putting it onto a zero carbontrajectory. The system was initially developed for onsite stick construction, using fixed insulationthickness and under the current UK climate. Thecollaboration with the university has contributed to aproduct development that is adaptable to differentbuildings and future climates, achieved by multiobjective optimisation. This process considers carbonemissions and comfort as functions to be optimised,and applies a number of design variables, takingdiscrete values within specified ranges of thesevariables, and producing numerous combinations fora single design. Dynamic simulations are conductedover these combinations, producing a solution spacethat is subsequently searched by a genetic algorithmfor optimum solutions. A resultant chart gives arange of trade-off solutions that enable the designteam to enhance retrofit system and make it zerocarbon ready. In addition to the design optimisation,the scaling up of this system is facilitated by onsite3D laser scanning, which enables a transition to anoffsite solution developed in flying factories. Thepaper reports on a practical application of this workto designing a retrofit for two semi-detached houses
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Zero Carbon Buildings Today and in the Future 2016
EditorsLjubomir Jankovic
Place of PublicationBirmingham, UK
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 9 Sept 2016
EventProceedings of Zero Carbon Buildings Today and in the Future 2016 - Birmingham , United Kingdom
Duration: 8 Sept 20169 Sept 2016


ConferenceProceedings of Zero Carbon Buildings Today and in the Future 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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