Talking about living and dying with the oldest old: public involvement in a study on end of life care in care homes.

Claire Goodman, Elspeth Mathie, Marion Cowe, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Diane Munday, Patricia Wilson, Clare Crang, Katherine Froggatt, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Stephen Barclay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Public involvement in research on sensitive subjects, such as death and dying, can help to ensure that questions are framed to reflect the interests of their peers, develop a shared understanding of issues raised, and moderate the often unequal power relationship between researcher and participant. This paper describes the contribution and impact of older members of a Public Involvement in Research group (PIRg) to a study on living and dying in care homes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number20
JournalBMC Palliative Care
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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