Gillian Craig, Agnes Meershoek, Alice Zwerling, Amrita Daftary, Brian Citro, Caoimhe Smyth, Dean Lewis, Deirdre Ni Cheallaigh, Elaine Byrne, Ellen M. H Mitchell, Ieva Leimane, James Malar, Jens Levy, Julia van der Land, Kate Macintyre, Lisa G. Johnston, Nadine Ferris France, Nora Engel, Olive Mumba, Rajita BhavarajuRonan R. Conroy, Sarah van de Berg, Stephen H-F Macdonald, Timur Abdullaev, Tushar Nair

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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TB is the most deadly infectious disease in the world, and stigma continues to play a significant role in worsening the epidemic.

Stigma and discrimination not only stop people from seeking care but also make it more difficult for those on treatment to continue, both of which make the disease more difficult to treat in the long-term and mean those infected are more likely to transmit the disease to those around them.

TB Stigma – Measurement Guidance is a manual to help generate enough information about stigma issues to design and monitor and evaluate efforts to reduce TB stigma. It can help in planning TB stigma baseline measurements and monitoring trends to capture the outcomes of TB stigma reduction efforts.

This manual is designed for health workers, professional or management staff, people who advocate for those with TB, and all who need to understand and respond to TB stigma.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages380
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2018


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