Teaching as Lived Experience: The value of exploring the hidden and emotional side of teaching through reflective narratives

Adenike Akinbode

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This article discusses a process of self-inquiry that took the form of a narrative journey of transformation. The process included reflective practice deepened by focusing on the lived experience of being a teacher, and as the process unfolded I sought to discover more about classroom events as lived experiences for teacher and students. The methodology involved dialogue with self in constructing narratives around the insights gained from written reflections, as well as dialogue with others within an established community of inquiry for guided reflection. Through this process, it was hoped that the insights developed would inform practice and transform experience. The study highlighted some of the emotional aspects of the experiences of teaching and learning, and considered the importance of a teacher focusing on subjective response in order to gain awareness of self in practice. The process also revealed some uncomfortable hidden aspects of experience, an awareness of which was considered important in developing more effective and ethical practice. The study identified the value for teacher and students in gaining an understanding of how individuals within a classroom event interact, and for considering how this might affect learning and teaching
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-73
Number of pages12
JournalStudying Teacher Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2013


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