TGI Friday’s … Training, guidance and information sessions to support student midwives in clinical practice

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Effective partnership working between NHS Trusts and universities is a fundamental aspect of any pre-registration midwifery education programme. Over the course of the programme, students develop their knowledge and skills through a combination of theory and experience in clinical practice, however, students have raised concerns over their confidence in performing some clinical skills or a desire to strengthen their knowledge in specific areas. Some of the concerns related to lack of exposure to learning opportunities, such as cannulation or perineal suturing, and some related to a desire for more knowledge on specialist services available in the trust. Collaboration between students, a senior midwifery lecturer and a practice education facilitator at a local NHS trust, resulted in an innovation that supports student development and their readiness and confidence for practice. The innovation complements, and builds on, current theoretical and practical learning. Training, Guidance and Information (TGI) sessions were introduced in March 2018 and have been operating as a pilot project at one local NHS trust. One year on, formal feedback from students has overwhelming supported this initiative, with highly positive results that reflect the benefit to their knowledge and future practice, which can only have a positive effect on the future care of women. This project is now being opened up to midwifery students from other clinical sites linked to the university and continues to be structured around learning needs identified by the students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2019
EventLearning and Teaching Conference 2019: Enhancing Educational Practice - University of Hertfordshire, HATFIELD, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Jun 20197 Jun 2019


ConferenceLearning and Teaching Conference 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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