The (Comedy) Fringe Producers' Guide

Andrew Parker

Research output: Book/ReportBook


With the growth of annual events such as the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as well as the regular need for new practitioners to gain exposure on the regular theatre fringe in big cities, successful small-scale theatrical production remains the principal industry entry point for new practitioners. New writers, directors and actors are faced with the probability of having to produce their own work in the first instance, and so need to take on the role of producer along with their other responsibilities. Despite the oft-precarious status of the fringe, a disciplined approach to producing can eliminate many of the risks associated with low /no budget production and allow new practitioners to showcase their talents and achieve a level of recognition for their creative output. For many practitioners, while successful fringe production is an important goal in itself, the possibilities for transition to the fully-paid sectors of theatre, TV and film are also part of the reward.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherComedy People Ltd
Number of pages75
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • fringe, theatre, fringe performer, Edinburgh festival, fringe festival


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