The comparative epidemiology of eyespot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) types in winter cereal crops

A. Goulds, Bruce Fitt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Plots of barley or wheat, sown at high or low seed rates, were inoculated with W-type or R-type isolates of P. herpotrichoides. The incidence of eyespot on leaf sheaths at GS30/31 was greater at the high seed rate than the low seed rate, but there was little difference in incidence between untreated W-type and untreated R-type plots.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 1988 Brighton Crop Protection Conference
Subtitle of host publicationPests and Diseases
Place of PublicationUK
PublisherBritish Crop Protection Council
ISBN (Print)978-09484-04252
Publication statusPublished - 1988
Event1988 Brighton Crop Protection Conf - Pest and Disease - Brighton
Duration: 21 Nov 198824 Nov 1988


Conference1988 Brighton Crop Protection Conf - Pest and Disease


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