The discovery of an M4+T8.5 binary system

B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield, S.K. Leggett, C.G. Tinney, M.C. Liu, D. Homeier, A.A. West, A.C. Day-Jones, N. Huelamo, T.J. Dupuy, Z. Zhang, D.N. Murray, N. Lodieu, D.B.Y. Navascues, S. Folkes, M.C. Galvez-Ortiz, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, M.M. Calderon, M. Tamura

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

91 Citations (Scopus)
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We report the discovery of a T8.5 dwarf, which is a companion to the M4 dwarf Wolf 940. [Please see original online abstract for complete version with correct notation]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1237-1248
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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