The effect of ventilation aperture location of input airflow rates on the stratified flow

A. Awad, O. Badran, A. Hold, R.K. Calay

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    The distribution of the stratified flow along and across the flow direction was investigated. The effect of input airflow rates on the stratified flow was conducted. Also both effects of hot and cold airflow rate variations were studied. The flow rates studied were in the ranges of Qh = 1.0–5.0 m3/min for hot airflow, and Qc = 0.0–8.0 m3/min for cold airflow. These ranges could be useful for studying both stratified and mixed flow. It covers all ranges of Richardson number Ri (from 0.67 to 200). The higher of the input vertical location the higher of the interface level height, where different heights of input vertical locations will results in different levels of stratification. The using of warm jet is more effective, compared with the cold jet flow, because of the effect of bouncy variations on the stratified layer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3253-3258
    JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • stratified flow
    • ventilation
    • airflow
    • mixed flow
    • jet flow


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