The effects of opposition and gender on knee kinematics and ground reaction force during landing from volleyball block jumps

G. Hughes, J. Watkins, N. Owen

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of apposition and gender on knee kinematics and ground reaction force during landing from a volleyball block pimp. Six female and six male university volleyball players performed two landing tasks (a) an unopposed and (b) an opposed volleyball block jump and landing. A 12-camera motion analysis system (120 Hz) was used to record knee kinematics, and a force platform (600 Hz) was used to record ground reaction force during landing. The results showed a significant effect for level of opposition in peak normalized ground reaction force (p = 04), knee flexion at ground contact (p = 003), maximum knee flexion (p = 001), and knee flexion range of motion (p = 003). There was a significant effect for gender in maximum knee flexion (p = 01), knee flexion tang, of motion (p = 001), maximum knee valgus angle (p = 001), and knee valgus range of motion = 001). The changes in landing biomechanics as a result of opposition suggest future research on landing mechanics should examine opposed exercises, because opposition may significantly alter neuromuscular responses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)384-391
JournalResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Anterior cruciate ligament
  • lower-extremity kiematics
  • basketball players
  • lower-limb
  • injury
  • female
  • biomechanics


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