The EVIDEM programme: a test for primary care research in London?

S. Iliffe, J. Manthorpe, V. Drennan, C. Goodman, J. Warner

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Translational R&D studies are one of the strengths of primary care research, but (like all of Health services Research) are not considered ‘real research’ by the prestigious Universities that dominate medicine in London. The government’s recent change in research strategy, funding Trusts to hire academics, and generously funding projects that are translational, has created exciting opportunities for primary care research to develop and thrive. London’s diversity, and the fragmented nature of so many of its health and social services, makes research difficult, but if we can solve the methodological problems we will have achieved much. [opening paragraph]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-73
JournalLondon Journal of Primary Care
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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