The JCMT Transient Survey: An Extraordinary Submillimeter Flare in the T Tauri Binary System JW 566

Steve Mairs, Bhavana Lalchand, Geoffrey C. Bower, Jan Forbrich, Graham S. Bell, Gregory J. Herczeg, Doug Johnstone, Wen-Ping Chen, Jeong-Eun Lee, Alvaro Hacar

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The binary T Tauri system JW 566 in the Orion Molecular Cloud underwent an energetic, short-lived flare observed at submillimetre wavelengths by the SCUBA-2 instrument on 26 November 2016 (UT). The emission faded by nearly 50% during the 31 minute integration. The simultaneous source fluxes averaged over the observation are 500 +/- 107 mJy/beam at 450 microns and 466 +/- 47 mJy/beam at 850 microns. The 850 micron flux corresponds to a radio luminosity of $L_{\nu}=8\times10^{19}$ erg/s/Hz, approximately one order of magnitude brighter (in terms of $\nu L_{\nu}$) than that of a flare of the young star GMR-A, detected in Orion in 2003 at 3mm. The event may be the most luminous known flare associated with a young stellar object and is also the first coronal flare discovered at sub-mm wavelengths. The spectral index between 450 microns and 850 microns of $\alpha = 0.11$ is broadly consistent with non-thermal emission. The brightness temperature was in excess of $6\times10^{4}$ K. We interpret this event to be a magnetic reconnection that energised charged particles to emit gyrosynchrotron/synchrotron radiation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number72
Number of pages9
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2019


  • astro-ph.SR


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