The Local, the ‘Indigenous’ and the Limits of Rethinking Peacebuilding

Elisa Randazzo

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Recent critical perspectives on peacebuilding have sought to shed light on experiences so far marginalized by mainstream approaches. In particular, critics have pushed peacebuilding towards radically different ways of thinking about governance, conflict and peace, by engaging with narratives, experiences and knowledge coming from societies perceived as not invested in modernity or liberalism, such as Indigenous communities. Whilst this may force theory to confront questions of human-centrism, colonial erasure, and structural violence, turning to Indigeneity without questioning the impact of liberal peace ‘thinking', might further elicit marginalization and appropriation, and simply ‘save’ liberal peacebuilding through the back door.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-160
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Issue number2
Early online date1 Mar 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Mar 2021


  • Liberal peace
  • critique
  • local turn
  • post-liberal
  • relationality


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