The LOFAR view of FR0 radio galaxies

A. Capetti, M. Brienza, R. D. Baldi, G. Giovannini, R. Morganti, M. J. Hardcastle, H. J. A. Rottgering, G. F. Brunetti, P. N. Best, G. Miley

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We explore the low-frequency radio properties of the sources in the Fanaroff-Riley class 0 catalog (FR0CAT) as seen by the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) observations at 150 MHz. This sample includes 104 compact radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) associated with nearby (z 0.5), an indication of the presence of substantial extended emission confined within the spatial resolution limit. The fraction of FR0s showing evidence for the presence of jets, by including both spectral and morphological information, is at least ~40%. This study confirms that FR0s and FRIs can be interpreted as two extremes of a continuous population of jetted sources, with the FR0s representing the low end in size and radio power.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberA107
Number of pages11
JournalAstronomy & Astrophysics
Issue numberOctober 2020
Early online date9 Oct 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Oct 2020


  • astro-ph.GA
  • astro-ph.HE


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