The Outflowing [O ii ] Nebulae of Compact Starburst Galaxies at z ∼ 0.5

Serena Perrotta, Alison L. Coil, David S. N. Rupke, Wenmeng Ning, Brendan Duong, Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic, Drummond B. Fielding, James E. Geach, Ryan C. Hickox, John Moustakas, Gregory H. Rudnick, Paul H. Sell, Cameren N. Swiggum, Christy A. Tremonti

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High-velocity outflows are ubiquitous in compact, massive (M * ∼ 1011 M ⊙), z ∼ 0.5 galaxies with extreme star formation surface densities (ΣSFR ∼ 2000 M ⊙ yr−1 kpc−2). We have previously detected and characterized these outflows using Mg ii absorption lines. To probe their full extent, we present Keck/KCWI integral field spectroscopy of the [O ii] and Mg ii emission nebulae surrounding all of the 12 galaxies in this study. We find that [O ii] is more effective than Mg ii in tracing low surface brightness, extended emission in these galaxies. The [O ii] nebulae are spatially extended beyond the stars, with radial extent R 90 between 10 and 40 kpc. The nebulae exhibit nongravitational motions, indicating galactic outflows with maximum blueshifted velocities ranging from −335 to −1920 km s−1. The outflow kinematics correlate with the bursty star formation histories of these galaxies. Galaxies with the most recent bursts of star formation (within the last
Original languageEnglish
Article number263
Pages (from-to)1-29
Number of pages29
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2024


  • Stellar feedback
  • Starburst galaxies
  • Galactic winds
  • Circumgalactic medium


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