‘The planners’ dream goes wrong?’ Questioning citizen-centred planning

Alex Lord, Michael Mair, John Sturzaker, Paul Jones

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The reform of urban and environmental planning in England since the election of the Coalition government in 2010 has resulted in the emergence of Neighbourhood Planning: a situation in which citizens can autonomously assemble, define the spatial extent of their neighbourhood and author a plan for it. In this paper, we argue that this radical policy is part of a wider agenda to de-professionalise planning as a statutory function and has its roots in an odd assemblage of classical right-wing political thinking and the prescriptions of post-positivist planning theory. This uneasy conceptual relationship reveals a wider inconsistency between the policy in rhetorical form and its practical implementation. Drawing on primary research from England’s North-West and a thorough review of literature, we hope to show that the dream of citizen-centred planning masks deep tensions within the activity of urban and environmental management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)344-363
Number of pages20
JournalLocal Government Studies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 4 May 2017


  • citizen participation
  • Localism
  • Neighbourhood Planning
  • post-political theory
  • post-positivist planning theory


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