The Road to Vertigo: The Suppression and Eventual Rise of Mature Comics and Their Readers

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The legacy of Vertigo recalls the very idea of comics finally being allowed to mature; letting people swear, drink, openly take drugs for recreation, and bringing in some serious ambiguity as to what it means to be a good person. Titles such as Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Hellblazer, and Sandman cannot be separate from the very spirit of Vertigo. A new age of freedom and expression within the medium. However, to truly understand why this was so significant and praised, we need to look back at the reasons why these things were suppressed in the first place. As well as the attempts before this to allow the medium to grow up.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationSequart
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2019


  • Vertigo Comics
  • DC Comics
  • Mature Comics
  • Audience


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