The role of Dementia Champion in dementia care: Its aspirations, development and training needs (innovative practice)

Andrea Mayrhofer, Claire Goodman, N.C. Smeeton

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Background: The conceptualisation and development of the role of Dementia Champions in clinical practice is on-going, and dementia specific training has a significant impact on the scope of the role.
Aim: This survey aimed to elicit Dementia Champions’ views on their role and associated training needs.
Methods: Data were collected via an online survey.
Findings: Of 188, 34 Dementia Champions (response rate 18%) participated. Most perceived dementia awareness training as useful, but limited. Areas suggested for further development were context specific skills training, education programmes that were formally recognised, and
clarification around the expectations of the role.
Conclusion: Expectations of ‘champion roles’ in dementia need to be re-visited, specifically in relation to the remit of the role and the level of education, preparation and support required for Dementia Champions to become change agents in dementia care.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1306-1312
Number of pages7
Issue number5
Early online date9 Feb 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


  • Dementia Champion, dementia care, education, training


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