The unbearable lightness of our whiteness – a systemic invitation

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


We find ourselves at an unprecedented intersection of a global pandemic, ever-increasing socio-economic, political and relational polarisation and division, alongside an urgent reckoning with racism and structural inequity in society. While for many of us there is a longing for action, connection and solidarity, in reality we often find ourselves confronted with despair, paralysis, isolation and relational rupture. If we are committed to anti-racist practice and to striving for equity and inclusion, how then do we as white practitioners consider our whiteness and continue to act in line wth our commitments at this moment in time? While there are ever-growing resources to guide development of anti-racist practice and tackle white supremacy, I argue that a more systemic stance brings into view counter-practices that can foreground a deep focus on relationship and connection, which can foster ‘reasonable hope’, counter individualism and invite collective action, and reconnect us with joy and play.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th Conference of the European Association of Family Therapy Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2022
Event11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association 2022: Systemic Resonances and Interferences - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Duration: 7 Sept 202210 Sept 2022
Conference number: 11,to%20Saturday%2010%20September%2C%202022.


Conference11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association 2022
Abbreviated titleEFTA 2022
OtherSystemic resonances and interferences in a (post) pandemic, climate change and migration context in Europe.
Internet address


  • Whiteness
  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Family Therapy


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