Topological embeddings into transformation monoids

Serhii Bardyla, L. Elliott, James D. Mitchell, Yann Peresse

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In this paper we consider the questions of which topological semigroups embed topologically into the full transformation monoid ℕ or the symmetric inverse monoid I with their respective canonical Polish semigroup topologies. We characterise those topological semigroups that embed topologically into ℕ and belong to any of the following classes: commutative semigroups, compact semigroups, groups, and certain Clifford semigroups. We prove analogous characterisations for topological inverse semigroups and I . We construct several examples of countable Polish topological semigroups that do not embed into ℕ , which answer, in the negative, a recent open problem of Elliott et al. Additionally, we obtain two sufficient conditions for a topological Clifford semigroup to be metrizable, and prove that inversion is automatically continuous in every Clifford subsemigroup of ℕ . The former complements recent works of Banakh et al.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1537-1554
Number of pages18
JournalForum Mathematicum
Issue number6
Early online date6 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024


  • Baire space
  • Clifford semigroup
  • Polish semigroup
  • Transformation monoid
  • topological embedding


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