Track Edge Noise In Isotropic And Oriented Media For Proximity And Contact Magnetic Recording

Na Helian, Dan Wei, Bo Liu, TS Low

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In the magnetic recording process, both the transition length and the spacing loss will be reduced with a lower head-med& spacing, thus allowing higger linear densities Utilizing a micromagnetic simulation model, the track edge noise is analyzed versus the head-medium spacing in two different media. This study shows that although the track edge noise decreases with the head-medium spacing within a normal range (d= 27-69 nm), there is an unexpected slight increase in the track edge noise for lowering head-medium spacing in the proximity and contact recording range d= 6-27 nm, which brings a significant influence on the contact recording performance with a narrow track.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 1997


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