Transport and Mobility Decisions of Consumers with Disabilities

Emmanuel Mogaji, Genevieve Bosah, Nguyen Phong Nguyen

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People with disabilities are the world's largest minority stakeholder group, and they continue to face significant challenges in every aspect of their lives. This study explored the transport and mobility decisions of consumers with disabilities (CWDs) in the context of Nigeria, one of the world's largest developing countries, using the conservation of resources theory and the intersection of travel decisions, disability and country context regarding consumer behaviour. A total of 32 individuals with varying disabilities were interviewed. A thematic analysis of qualitative data revealed that CWDs make travel decisions based on their ability, as well as the availability, accessibility, affordability and reliability of different modes of transport. This study presents a conceptual framework illustrating the transport and mobility decisions of CWDs and highlights practical implications for various stakeholders.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Specialist publicationJournal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2022


  • consumers with disabilities, consumers, disability, consumer behaviour,transport, mobility, Nigeria


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