Two Modes of Literary Architecture: Bernard Tschumi and Nigel Coates’

Claire Jamieson, Rebecca Roberts-Hughes

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Tschumi’s experimental use of the literary text as part of design briefs for students at the Architectural Association in the late 1970s formed the basis for a preoccupation with what he termed the disjunction between space and the events that happen within it. For Coates, the literary briefs triggered a fixation with what was happening in space – but instead of focusing on its conceptual interaction with events, he moved towards the dramatisation of architecture. Grounded in the architects' shared teaching at the AA, the article discusses the early briefs and projects that shaped the directions they would each take.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-122
Number of pages12
Journalarq: Architectural Research Quarterly
Issue number02
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2015


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