Unplanned admissions of older people: exploring the issues

Catherine Henderson, Rod Sheaff, Angela Dickinson, Roger Beech, Gerald Wistow, Sue Ashby, Karen Windle, Martin Knapp

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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National strategies, local initiatives, cross-agency agreements, various
targets and financial incentives have all been deployed in an effort to
reverse the growth in emergency bed days (EBDs). Within this rapidly
changing context there was another effort underway: the Improving the
Future for Older People (IFOP) programme of the Innovation Forum. A
group of nine English councils created their own network in 2003, with the
primary aim of reducing use of emergency bed days. Specifically, they
agreed to work in partnership with health and third sector organisations to
achieve the ‘headline target’ of a 20% reduction in EBDs for people aged 75
and over, over a three-year period from 2004 to 2007
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNational Institute of Health Research Service Delivery Organisation NIHR SDO
Number of pages255
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Older people,
  • Unplanned hospital admissions
  • local authority
  • patient choice
  • governance incentives
  • alternatives to hospital care
  • reducing hospital bed use
  • incentive arrangement
  • social service staff
  • hospital services


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