Video and audio podcasting on a large under graduate final year module: Case study

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This paper considers the increased use of podcasting (over a five year period) on a large (370 plus students) under-graduate final year module. Online questionnaire's were undertaken in each of the last four years of the study to ascertain the student's perception of the podcasting on their learning experience. The results show that in all of the four years most students believed their learning
experience had been enhanced by the podcasting. Although the study investigated student results (coursework and examination) it is argued that attempting to correlate student results with podcasting is problematic.Given some universities are attempting to increase the amount of distance/blended
learning they undertake (including initiatives such as iTunes U), given the announcement of a three fold rise in tuition fees for UK students and given universities desire to enhance the student learning experience, this paper argues that more module's/universities should be using podcasting.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventSixth International Blended Learning Conference - Hatfield, United Kingdom
Duration: 15 Jun 201116 Jun 2011


ConferenceSixth International Blended Learning Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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