Virtual and online learning during COVID-19: the experience of community children’s nursing students

Mark Whiting, Lisa Whiting, Karen Roberts-Edema, Caroline Boyle, Heather Lane, Mark Millar, Theresa Titchener

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant changes in how education is delivered. For many University programmes this has included a move from face-to-face to virtual and on-line learning and teaching.

Aim: This study sought to gain insight into the experiences of students undertaking the Community Children’s Nursing (CCN) Specialist Practitioner Programme at 3 English Universities during the academic year 2020-21 when, as a consequence of the pandemic, the majority of learning and teaching was delivered using virtual and on-line methods.
Methods: Data was collected from participants via a survey questionnaire distributed to students by Programme Leaders at the 3 Universities.
Findings: 7 survey questionnaires were returned (25% response rate). Participants experience of on-line and virtual learning was generally positive, with benefits to work-life balance and opportunity to re-visit recorded lectures being particularly well regarded. Loss of opportunity for face-to-face engagement with both fellow students and the lecturing team were identified as disadvantages.

Conclusion: This survey found strong student support for the provision of more flexible approaches to learning and teaching. Universities need to recognise that failure to offer such flexibility could potentially impact on recruitment and the viability of courses in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalNursing Children & Young People
Publication statusPublished - 20 Mar 2023


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