Visitor attractions and events: Responding to seasonality

Joanne Connell, Stephen J. Page, Denny Meyer

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Seasonality is a protracted problem for the tourism sector due to the uneven nature of demand and the relatively fixed nature of the supply of capacity and resources, particularly in the attraction sector. Managing the demand and supply at an individual business level poses many challenges for attraction infrastructure that is fixed in time and space and has a finite capacity. This paper explores how attraction managers develop and use special events as a tool to address issues of seasonality at a country level. The results show that: 70% of businesses remained open throughout the year, albeit with reduced opening hours to attract more visitors; 39% of attractions that stay open host special events; the local community is a key source market for special events; the periodicity of events and themes engage visitors most effectively. Business responses to seasonality are a more complex issue than conventional tourism research has recognised.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-298
Number of pages16
JournalTourism Management
Early online date2 Aug 2014
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2015


  • Events
  • Scotland
  • Seasonality
  • Spatiality
  • Visitor attractions


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