Voice Biometrics over the Internet in the Framework of COST Action 275

L. Besacier, A. Ariyaeeinia, J. S. Mason, J. F. Bonastre, P. Mayorga, C. Fredouille, S. Meignier, J. Siau, N. W. D. Evans, R. Auckenthaler, R. Stapert

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The emerging field of biometric authentication over the Internet requires both robust person authentication and secure computer network protocols. This paper presents investigations of vocal biometric person authentication over the Internet, both at the protocol and authentication robustness levels. As part of this study, an appropriate client-server architecture for biometrics on the Internet is proposed and implemented. It is shown that the transmission of raw biometric data in this application is likely to result in unacceptably long delays in the process. On the other hand, by using data models (or features), the transmission time can be reduced to an acceptable level. The use of encryption/decryption for enhancing the data security in the proposed client-server link and its effects on the transmission time are also examined. Furthermore, the scope of the investigations includes an analysis of the effects of packet loss and speech coding on speaker verification performance. It is experimentally demonstrated that whilst the adverse effects of packet loss can be negligible, the encoding of speech, particularly at a low bit rate, can reduce the verification accuracy considerably. The paper details the experimental investigations conducted and presents an analysis of the results.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)466-479
JournalEurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2004


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