White Cloud Worlds Volume 2: An Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artwork From New Zealand

Frank Victoria

Research output: Book/ReportBook


White Cloud Worlds Volume Two is a visually rich publication that explores the worlds created by 41 New Zealand artists based there and abroad.

Each artist is profiled with a selection of their art accompanied by text written in their own unique voice, sharing their origins, inspirations and a rare glimpse into how they work.

This beautiful hard cover book includes illustration, concept design, 2D and 3D sculptural pieces alongside comic pages and anime characters.

This book also includes written contributions from two of the world’s leading masters of the imagination – the internationally acclaimed artists, designers and writers Iain McCaig and Wayne Barlowe.

The work within these pages celebrates not only the skill of the artists but the uniqueness of their ideas. From the beautiful to the bizarre, frightening to fantastical, allow yourself a break from the mundane and get lost in the visually rich creations in this book. You might not want to leave!
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHarper Collins Publishers
Number of pages147
ISBN (Print)9780473215040
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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