Wind Turbine Active Fault Tolerant Control Based on Backstepping Active Disturbance Rejection Control and a Neurofuzzy Detector

Hamza Assia, Houari Merabet Boulouiha , William David Chicaiza, Juan Manuel Escano, Abderrahmane Kacimi, Jose Luis Martinez-Ramos, Mouloud Denai

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Wind energy conversion systems have become an important part of renewable energy history due to their accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Offshore wind farms are seen as the future of wind energy, but they can be very expensive to maintain if faults occur. To achieve a reliable and consistent performance, modern wind turbines require advanced fault detection and diagnosis methods. The current research introduces a proposed active fault-tolerant control (AFTC) system that uses backstepping active disturbance rejection theory (BADRC) and an adaptive neurofuzzy system (ANFIS) detector in combination with principal component analysis (PCA) to compensate for system disturbances and maintain performance even when a generator actuator fault occurs. The simulation outcomes demonstrate that the suggested method successfully addresses the actuator generator torque failure problem by isolating the faulty actuator, providing a reliable and robust solution to prevent further damage. The neurofuzzy detector demonstrates outstanding performance in detecting false data in torque, achieving a precision of (Formula presented.) for real data and (Formula presented.) for false data. With a recall of (Formula presented.), no false negatives were observed. The overall accuracy of (Formula presented.) highlights the detector’s ability to reliably classify data as true or false. These findings underscore the robustness of the detector in detecting false data, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the application presented. Overall, the study concludes that BADRC and ANFIS detection and isolation can improve the reliability of offshore wind farms and address the issue of actuator generator torque failure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5455
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2023


  • active fault-tolerant control; backstepping; active disturbance rejection control; adaptive neurofuzzy inference system; principal component analysis
  • adaptive neurofuzzy inference system
  • active disturbance rejection control
  • active fault-tolerant control
  • backstepping
  • principal component analysis


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