Writing Bugchasing Ethnoperformance: creative representations of online interactions

Jaime Garcia Iglesias

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


In this piece, I discuss the creation of ethnoperformance as a method of exploring and representing online spaces. I highlight the need for writing that acknowledges the influence of technology in online communication and argue for the suitability of ethnodrama as a writing method. In particular, I focus on bugchasers—men who fetishize HIV—and their online discussions. Bugchasers’ comments to a forum, articulated in as a five act ethnoperformance, serve as a case study to showcase how this form of writing allows to discuss users’ negotiations of fantasy/reality while also acknowledging the uncertainty of online spaces and the mediation by technology. I finally defend that the visceral reactions ethnodrama produces generate interesting reflexive standpoints from which to research stigmatized practices and ideas.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • fantasy
  • representation
  • internet
  • ethnoperformance


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